-I have a hard time finishing projects. I have about a million crochet projects just sitting in a drawer waiting to be finished.-I dont really get dressed in the mornings, i wear sweats most of the day. I even wear said sweats to school. Gross right?
-I get stressed out about change and making schedules and then not sticking to them.
-I make friends easily (well used to), but i never keep friends. Breanna has been my one consistent friend(besides Vanessa, but she is my sister so she will always be my friend and for that i will always be grateful for my family.). Breanna and I lived together for 4 years. We're pretty legit. But other than that i dont keep friends... I've been told im a bad friend. I just forget to talk to people (its like forgetting to eat lunch... you get so busy you just... forget). My husband insists i need more friends, but then my anxiety about change happens and i get to scared and do try. (Sometimes i think i have social anxiety.)
-I lost myself in mommy-hood. I dont work out, I dont think about myself anymore. Like i said before, i dont even get dressed half the time.
My goals for this blog:
1. To find myself again (im not sure if that means taking pictures of my outfis, showing the projects i have done, or just taking time to share things that i love.)
2. To keep connected with my sister and Breanna
3. To just have fun doing something (especially during my last year of school that will be so jam packed with learning that im afraid my head will explode.)